The Latest Scheme in Hong Kong to Attract Top Talents

The Latest Scheme in Hong Kong to Attract Top Talents

Hong Kong's Top Talent Pass Scheme, launched in late 2022, is a strategic initiative devised to allure highly skilled and talented professionals from across the globe to contribute to Hong Kong's workforce. This initiative aligns with the broader goals of the Hong Kong…

What are the Types of Passes in Singapore?

What are the Types of Passes in Singapore?

In Singapore, there are several types of passes that allow foreigners to live and work in the country. Some of the most common types of passes are: Employment Pass (EP): The Employment Pass (EP) is a type of work visa in Singapore that allows foreign professionals, managers,…


全球投资者计划的资格标准 作为一个有意在新加坡创业或投资的投资者,您可以通过全球投资者计划(GIP)申请新加坡永久居民身份(Permanent Resident)。如果您符合以下资格标准,您就有资格申请。   个人概述 认可企业家 第二代企业家 快速成长公司创始人 家庭办公室负责人 申请资格 a)  必须拥有至少3年的创业和商业记录   b)  您目前经营的公司1在您申请的前一年的年营业额至少为2亿新元,在您申请的前三年的年平均营业额至少为2亿新元   c)…

Changes To Employment Pass and S Pass Requirements in Singapore [2022]

Changes To Employment Pass and S Pass Requirements in Singapore [2022]

The Singapore Government has recently announced a slew of changes to the pass requirements for foreigners applying to work in Singapore under Employment Pass and S Pass.  These impending tightening measures will force Singapore businesses to review their foreign hiring…

Buying A Private Residential Property in Singapore - For Foreigners

Buying A Private Residential Property in Singapore - For Foreigners

For many foreigners, the idea of buying a private residential property in Singapore is an exciting one. With little or no restrictions on foreign ownership, it can be a great way to have a vacation home in the tropics but still keep your main residence in another country. For…

cost of hiring in singapore

Cost Of Hiring in Singapore

So, you are ready to expand your business, and you need to start hiring. What are the costs involved when hiring in Singapore? Let’s find out. Hiring Singapore Citizen and Singapore Permanent Resident Singapore has a pension fund to which every working Singapore Citizen (SC) and…


创业入境准证: 外国人如何在新加坡轻松建立起生意

身为一个外国人,如果您想在新加坡建立企业,您可以申请《创业入境准证》,它允许您在经营企业的同时留在新加坡。这是一个为外国人设定的签证项目。 在这篇文章中,您将大致了解它是如何操作的,以及如何去申请《创业入境准证》。 创业入境证与就业准证(Employment Pass) 或工作准证(Work Permit) 不同,雇佣外国工人没有最低工资要求,也没有配额。 如果您成功地申请了创业入境准证,您可以申请您的家人随后来新加坡与您一起生活。 创业入境准证的符合条件…

how to apply for singapore student pass


一般来说,想要在新加坡留学的外国人需要申请学生准证。在申请学生证之前,首先他必须已经被确认注册在新加坡任何一个被批准的全日制课程。夜校、周末和兼职课程是不被允许的。 学生证申请成功后,如欲转学,得需重新申请过。年满12岁零天或以下者,须向新加坡保健促进局提交疫苗接种资料。 申请时需要准备的文件 学校的入学确认信 护照证件生物数据页 个人资料包括居住过的国家、教育背景、工作经历和经济情况 最近亲属的个人资料(如有) 在新加坡的居住地址和联系方式 电子邮件地址 (近3个月以内) 近照 (护照尺寸、数码、彩色) 外国人可以报考的教育机构类型…

singapore student pass

How To Apply For Singapore Student Pass

This written guide serves to help you understand how you can apply for a Singapore Student Pass to pursue studies here in Singapore. Before applying for a Student Pass, you need to enrol on any approved full-time courses in Singapore. Weekends, night classes and part-time…

Letter of Consent Application To Be Discontinued

Letter of Consent Application To Be Discontinued From 1st May 2021

Starting from 1st May 2021, all dependent pass holders in Singapore who wish to gain employment will have to apply for an applicable work pass, e.g. employment pass, S pass or work permit. This will be a major change from the prevailing practice. Currently, dependent pass…