The Latest Scheme in Hong Kong to Attract Top Talents

Hong Kong’s Top Talent Pass Scheme, launched in late 2022, is a strategic initiative devised to allure highly skilled and talented professionals from across the globe to contribute to Hong Kong’s workforce. This initiative aligns with the broader goals of the Hong Kong government to reinforce the city’s prominence as a global hub in key sectors such as finance, innovation and technology, and the arts.


Eligibility Criteria, the scheme primarily targets two categories of individuals:


  1. High-income earners: Individuals with an annual income of approximately HKD 2.5 million (about USD 320,000) or more in the preceding year are eligible. This criterion aims to attract seasoned professionals with established reputations in their respective fields.
  2. Graduates from top global universities: Recent graduates (within the past five years) from the world’s top 100 universities (as per specific global rankings) also qualify. This aspect of the scheme seeks to attract young, highly educated individuals at the initial stages of their careers.


Key Features of the Scheme:


  • The Top Talent Pass permits eligible individuals to reside and work in Hong Kong for up to two years without securing a job offer beforehand.
  • Once granted the pass, holders can enter Hong Kong to explore employment opportunities, and their spouses and dependent children are also permitted to accompany them.
  • The scheme offers a pathway for individuals to contribute to Hong Kong’s economy and potentially settle in the region if they transition to other types of visas or employment schemes that lead to permanent residency.


The Top Talent Pass Scheme is part of a broader strategy to address brain drain and demographic challenges in Hong Kong, including political unrest and the impacts of stringent COVID-19 policies. The scheme is pivotal in sustaining Hong Kong’s competitive edge by replenishing its workforce with high-caliber international talent.