Can a Foreign Employee Start Training Before Obtaining a Work Pass in Singapore?

As a business owner, it’s essential to ensure compliance with Singapore’s Employment of Foreign Workers Act (EFMA) when hiring and managing foreign employees. Your client’s question about allowing a staff member to start training before obtaining a valid work pass is a common…

Starting Dec 2024, all employers in Singapore are mandated to enable employees to seek flexible work arrangements

Starting Dec 2024, all employers in Singapore are mandated to enable employees to seek flexible work arrangements

Employers are obliged to address requests for flexible work arrangements within a two-month timeframe, providing explanations in case of denial. Commencing December, with the new tripartite guidelines, all employers must establish a formal procedure for employees to request…

Changes To Employment Pass and S Pass Requirements in Singapore [2022]

Changes To Employment Pass and S Pass Requirements in Singapore [2022]

The Singapore Government has recently announced a slew of changes to the pass requirements for foreigners applying to work in Singapore under Employment Pass and S Pass.  These impending tightening measures will force Singapore businesses to review their foreign hiring…

The Importance of HR Policies in Maintaining a Successful Business

The Importance of HR Policies in Maintaining a Successful Business

As a business owner, you know that it is important to have a team of qualified employees in order to be successful. But did you know that having effective HR policies is just as important? In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of HR policies in maintaining a…

Professional Conversion Programme

Professional Conversion Programme - Get Funding To Offset Salary When Hiring New PMETs

In addition to the Jobs Growth Incentive which helps to lower the hiring costs of locals, companies may further tap on the Professional Conversion Programme (PCP) when hiring Professionals, Managers, Executives and Technicians (PMETs) to further reduce their salary expenses.…

Enhanced jobs growth incentive Singapore

Enhanced Jobs Growth Incentive - Up To 50% Salary Support For All New Local Hires.

Following the budget announcement in 2021, the government has confirmed the extension of the Jobs Growth Incentive for a further 7 months from February 2021 to September 2021. What Is Jobs Growth Incentive (JGI)? The jobs growth incentive in a job creation initiative by the…

p-max singapore

Up To S$10,000 Assistance Grant For SMEs Hiring Singaporean PMETs

If your company is classified as a small and medium enterprise (SME) and you are looking to hire a Singaporean PMET (professionals, managers, executives and technicians), there is an assistance grant that your company may be eligible for. by Kevin Yeo

personal income tax for foreigners in Singapore

Guide To Personal Income Tax For Foreigners Working In Singapore 2021

If you are a foreigner living and working in Singapore, you need to fulfil your legal liability for personal income tax. The rate taxable will differ, dependent on your tax residency status. Who is a tax resident? Under the following circumstances, you are a tax resident of…

Jobs growth incentive singapore

Government Salary Support - Jobs Growth Incentive

If you have increased your local hiring headcount between September 2020 till the end of February 2021, your company may be eligible for up to 50% salary support from the government for your new local hires. If your company is looking to expand, there is no better time to…