Up To S$10,000 Assistance Grant For SMEs Hiring Singaporean PMETs

If your company is classified as a small and medium enterprise (SME) and you are looking to hire a Singaporean PMET (professionals, managers, executives and technicians), there is an assistance grant that your company may be eligible for.

Known as P-Max, this train and hire program is targeted at SMEs who are looking to hire more PMETs into their organisation. At the same time, P-Max also trains the potential employee to be better equipped to be working in an SME environment while empowering the SMEs to better train and manage their PMET workforce.

Depending on the needs of the company, there are 3 options available in this program:

  • P-Max
    • SMEs hiring PMETs
  • P-Max for Older Workers
    • SMEs hiring PMETs aged 50 and above
  • P-Max Lite
    • Non-hiring SMEs

Benefits of P-Max

In order to take part in P-Max, companies need to do so via a panel of program managers, who will help match suitable PMETs to the job openings. There will be a compulsory course to attend whereby companies can get up to 90% subsidy. Upon completing the program and successfully keeping the PMET hired for the next 6 months, your company will be eligible for an assistance grant of either S$5000 (P-Max) or S$10000 (P-Max for older workers).

This is a one time grant given regardless of the number of PMETs hired.

Requirements of P-Max

The newly hired PMET and the company’s supervisor will be required to attend and complete the following courses:

  • 2/3 Day PMET Workshop
    • This is to help the PMET better adjust to working in an SME environment
  • 1 Day SME Workshop
    • This is to help the company better manage the newly hired PMET
  • 1 Day Age Management Workshop
    • This workshop is for companies hiring under P-Max for older workers. Again, this workshop primary purpose is to get companies to better understand how to manage and communicate with older PMET workers.

Eligibility Criteria For P-Max

For the SME, they must be:

  1. registered or incorporated in Singapore
  2. employment size of not more than 200 or annual sales not more than S$100 million
  3. minimum 30% shareholding by a Singapore citizen or Singapore permanent resident
  4. hired a PMET within the last 90 days with a gross salary of at least S$2500 per month

For the PMET, they must:

  1. Be a Singapore citizen or Singapore permanent resident (only Singapore citizen for P-Max for older workers)
  2. Education qualified at diploma level and higher or have prior experience working as PMET
  3. Have graduated or completed National Service for at least 12 months

How To Apply For P-Max

If you are keen to find out more about enrolling on this hiring program, you may contact the following program managers for more information:


Would you like to find out more about what other grants you can utilise for your company? Come talk to us today!


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