Explainer Videos


when do you need to hire accountant

When Is The Right Time To Hire An Accountant?

Challenges you face As a small-medium enterprise owner, you will face many challenges during daily business operations. One of the common…

How does a company pay dividends in Singapore

How does a company pay dividends in Singapore

We hear so much of this term dividends but we seldom discuss the rules and implications associated with it. As most will know, it is…

singapore filing requirements for companies

Singapore Companies Filing Requirements

Every year, companies in Singapore need to file with two main governing bodies, namely the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority…

how to start a social enterprise in Singapore

How To Incorporate A Social Enterprise

What is a Social Enterprise? A social enterprise is just a business that has specific social objectives. A social enterprise’s aim is still…

extraordinary general meeting

How Do You Convene An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) For Your Company

What is an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM)? If you have incorporated a company in Singapore or planning to do so, chances are you have…

can a shareholder or director obtain a loan from company

Can Directors And Shareholders Obtain A Loan From The Company?

A director or shareholder may obtain a loan from the company, but not without certain restrictions. In general, a director cannot do so.…

are you liable for debts as company director

Are You Liable For Company Debts As Director In Singapore?

Are there any circumstances where you will be personally liable for your company’s debts as a director? The general answer will be no. That…

starting a private limited company in Singapore

Advantages Of A Private Limited Company In Singapore

There are various structures for every individual to start a business here in Singapore. The best structure to start a company here in…