How To Set Up Singapore Representative Office As A Foreign Entity

How To Set Up Singapore Representative Office As A Foreign Entity?

A Representative Office (RO) is a temporary administrative office that serves as a point-of-contact to organise and execute non-commercial activities, for the foreign company or entity. In this article, we talk about the benefits steps to set up a Singapore Representative Office…

how to register a Singapore branch office

How to Register A Singapore Branch Office

Singapore is and has always been one of the most business-friendly countries in the world. The location is strategic for companies that are looking to launch their expansion into the Asia-Pacific region. In this article, we discuss how to register a Singapore branch office and…

how to set up a subsidiary in Singapore

How to Set Up a Subsidiary in Singapore?

A company that is majority-owned or the composition of the board of directors (the authority to appoint or remove a majority of all directors) is being controlled by another company, which is known as a subsidiary. In this article, we will go into detail on how to set up a…

filing corporate tax form c-s lite

File Your Corporate Tax via The New Form C-S (Lite)

The Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS) has come up with an easier and new e-filing measure from Year of Assessment (YA) 2020, known as Form C-S (Lite). Companies with annual revenue of S$200,000 or less can make use of this simplified income tax return filing. The…

corporate tax reliefs

How To Reduce Corporate Tax Bills With These Tax Reliefs

The corporate tax filing deadline is around the corner. The deadline for filing your corporate tax is by 15th December 2020. Do you know that there are some tax reliefs that you can make use of to reduce the tax payable? Here are some of them. Tax Exemption Scheme For New…