Explainer Videos


Setting up a Family Office in Singapore

Setting up a Family Office in Singapore

What is a Family Office? A family office is a private wealth management advisory firm that serves wealthy families and individuals. Its…

What are the Types of Passes in Singapore?

What are the Types of Passes in Singapore?

In Singapore, there are several types of passes that allow foreigners to live and work in the country. Some of the most common types of…

What are the Tax Incentives for Start-ups in Singapore?

Singapore offers a range of tax incentives to encourage entrepreneurship and innovation. This is particularly for start-ups in their early…


全球投资者计划的资格标准 作为一个有意在新加坡创业或投资的投资者,您可以通过全球投资者计划(GIP)申请新加坡永久居民身份(Permanent Resident)。如果您符合以下资格标准,您就有资格申请。   个人概述 认可企业家 第二代企业家…

Changes To Employment Pass and S Pass Requirements in Singapore [2022]

Changes To Employment Pass and S Pass Requirements in Singapore [2022]

The Singapore Government has recently announced a slew of changes to the pass requirements for foreigners applying to work in Singapore…

The Importance of HR Policies in Maintaining a Successful Business

The Importance of HR Policies in Maintaining a Successful Business

As a business owner, you know that it is important to have a team of qualified employees in order to be successful. But did you know that…

Buying A Private Residential Property in Singapore - For Foreigners

Buying A Private Residential Property in Singapore – For Foreigners

For many foreigners, the idea of buying a private residential property in Singapore is an exciting one. With little or no restrictions on…

How To Write A Fair Employment Contract in Singapore

How To Write A Fair Employment Contract in Singapore

The employment contract is one of the most important documents in an employment relationship. It lays out your obligations, as well as…