The Importance of HR Policies in Maintaining a Successful Business

The Importance of HR Policies in Maintaining a Successful Business

As a business owner, you know that it is important to have a team of qualified employees in order to be successful. But did you know that having effective HR policies is just as important? In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of HR policies in maintaining a…

How to Start an E-Commerce Business in Singapore

How to Start an E-Commerce Business in Singapore

How can you start an e-commerce business to sell products in Singapore?  It is not as difficult as it may seem. There are many e-commerce platforms online that offer e-commerce solutions to help with just about every step of the process, including online advertising, marketing,…

directors duties in singapore

Directors’ Duties in Singapore

The board of directors, which include the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), usually manages a company's operations. This is in accordance with the Companies Act (CA) section 157A. In this article, we will discuss what the directors' duties in Singapore are. When it comes to the…

How to Change A Foreign Company into A Company Registered in Singapore through Re-domiciliation?

How to Change A Foreign Company into A Company Registered in Singapore through Re-domiciliation?

Owners of a foreign company should consider a re-domiciliation of their company to Singapore. It has a stable political scene, a pro-business environment, a competitive tax regime, and maintains strong economic ties to Asia and the rest of the world. It has potentially more…

How To Set Up Singapore Representative Office As A Foreign Entity

How To Set Up Singapore Representative Office As A Foreign Entity?

A Representative Office (RO) is a temporary administrative office that serves as a point-of-contact to organise and execute non-commercial activities, for the foreign company or entity. In this article, we talk about the benefits steps to set up a Singapore Representative Office…

how to register a Singapore branch office

How to Register A Singapore Branch Office

Singapore is and has always been one of the most business-friendly countries in the world. The location is strategic for companies that are looking to launch their expansion into the Asia-Pacific region. In this article, we discuss how to register a Singapore branch office and…

how to set up a subsidiary in Singapore

How to Set Up a Subsidiary in Singapore?

A company that is majority-owned or the composition of the board of directors (the authority to appoint or remove a majority of all directors) is being controlled by another company, which is known as a subsidiary. In this article, we will go into detail on how to set up a…

how can overseas companies incorporate in Singapore

How Can Overseas Companies Incorporate in Singapore?

Why should I incorporate a company in Singapore? Singapore being an open economy and a major financial hub in the world is becoming more and more attractive to foreign companies to set up offices here. There are many reasons for relocating to Singapore, such as attractive…

sole proprietorship

Can foreigners set up a Sole Proprietorship or Partnership?

We have received many inquiries from foreigners lately regarding setting up a sole proprietorship or partnership here in Singapore. So the question is can foreigners do so? In this article, we will answer that question. But first, we need to know what is a sole proprietorship…

Nominee Director

What is a Nominee Director?

Many clients have asked us, 'What is a Nominee Director and what does he or she do exactly? Do they have any legal rights over the company?'. In this article, we will answer this question in detail. Why do I need a Nominee Director (ND)? To answer this, we need to look at the…