Explainer Videos


singapore student pass

How To Apply For Singapore Student Pass

This written guide serves to help you understand how you can apply for a Singapore Student Pass to pursue studies here in Singapore. Before…



新加坡是世界上最繁忙的贸易中心之一,也是通往亚洲的门户,因此会是开展进出口业务的主要地点之一。让我们探讨如何开始在新加坡开展进出口业务。 成立贸易公司 议程上的第一件事将是与 ACRA(Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority)…

foreigners setting up company in singapore


如果您是希望在新加坡成立公司的外国人,则本文将是您的指南,向您介绍整个过程和要求。 在开始之前,重要的是要考虑可用的各种公司结构。 身为外国人,您可以考虑通过股份公司或合伙企业的免税私人有限公司来开展业务。…

How To Start An Import and Export Business In Singapore?

How To Start An Import/Export Business In Singapore?

As one of the busiest trading hubs in the world and the gateway to Asia, Singapore is probably one of the prime locations to start an…

shelf company in singapore

What Is Shelf Company And How To Purchase One In Singapore?

In Singapore, a shelf company is one that is incorporated as per the statutory requirements but is dormant. It means that the company is no…

Foreigners’ Guide To Setting Up Company In Singapore

Foreigners’ Guide To Set Up Company In Singapore

If you are a foreigner looking to start your business in Singapore, this is the guide for you to set up a company in Singapore. Before you…

Private Limited Company or Sole Proprietorship in Singapore

A Private Limited Company or Sole Proprietorship?

In my last article, I blogged about the pros and cons of having a private limited company versus a limited liability partnership in…



新加坡是在亚洲一个非常开放的经济体。新加坡政府也非常积极的欢迎外国企业到本地来开创业务。由此可见,外国人预想到新加坡开启新公司是件相对简单的事。 以下让我为大家简单的介绍流程:   设立公司所需人物条件…